Friday, 5 January 2018

Most Successful People

Most Successful People 

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

The successful warrior is the average
man, with laser - like focus.
- Most Successful People By Bruce Lee

Most Successful People

Most Successful People 

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

He never did good at school and when put
in charge of running the family farm, he failed
miserably, in fact that an uncle took charge and
sent him off to cambridge where he finally blossomed
into the scholar we know today.
- Most Successful People

Most Successful People

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

Even the most successful people
in history have had their confidence rocked, their
good ideas questioned and ridiculed, and the door of
opportunity slammed in their face.

Even the most successful, most intelligent, most
attractive, and most beloved people in the world
have felt tired, lonely, scared, ugly, stupid, and alone.

Even the most successful people in the world have set
goals, made mistakes and suffered serious setbacks and

But what made many of the most successful people in the
world successful is that they persisted. They had the desire,
the determination, and the will to succeed. And they used it.

And that made all the difference.

Most Successful People

Most Successful People 

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

Marilyn Monroe was once told that she
was unattractive and could not act by a 
director, she eventually got dropped because
of it, by 20th century-fox.

Marilyn kept on going with her acting and
became the 20th century's most famous movie
star. She is also recognized as a sex symbol and
pop icon.
- Most Successful People

Most Successful People

Most Successful People 

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

The greatest danger for most of us is not that
our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is
too low and we reach it.
- Most Successful People By MichelAngelo

Most Successful People

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

Try not to become a man of success,
but rather try to become a man of value.
- Albert Einstein

Most Successful People

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

Actually tried to found a company called Traf-0-Data
together with Paul Allen. The product malfunctioned
and the demo had too many bugs.
He is now the richest man in the world again.

Most Successful People

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

Starts his day by exercising and his tai chi
trainer travels with him when necessary,
sometimes he will perform as a rock star
at concerts for this employees.

Most Successful People

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

We do not get a chance to do that many things,
and every one should be really excellent. Because
this is our life. Life is brief, and then you die, you
know ? And we've all chosen to do this with our lives.
So it better be damn good. It better be worth it.
- Steve Jobs

Most Successful People

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

The most successful people in life
are the ones who ask questions. They're
always learning. They're always growing.
They're always pushing.

- Robert Kiyosaki

Most Successful People

Most Successful People
Most Successful People

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

Winners are not afraid of losing.
But losers are. Failure is part of
the process of success. People who
avoid failure also avoid success.

- Robert Kiyosaki

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

It is our nature.
Human Beings Like Success
But They Hate Successful People.
- Carrot Top

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

The path to success is to
take massive, determined action.
- Tony Robbins

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind do not matter
and those who matter do not mind.
Dr. Seuss

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

The only way to do great work
is to love what you do. If you have
not found it yet, keep looking. Do not settle.
As with all matters of the heart, you'll know
when you find it
- Steve Jobs

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

Take up one idea.
Make that one idea
your life. think of it.
dream of it. Live on
that idea. Let the brain, 
Muscles, Nerves, every part
of your body, be full of that idea,
and just leave every other idea alone.
This is the way to success.

Top Successful People

Top Successful People
Top Successful People

Successful People Fail Their Way To The Top